“Saving Precious Seconds”—A Novel Approach to Implementing a Low-Cost Earthquake Early Warning System with Node-Level Detection and Alert Generation
Great collaboration output with CRISiSLab team !
Our open-access on Earthquake Early Warning System has been published. You can access on URL https://www.mdpi.com/2227-9709/9/1/25
Citation guide: Prasanna, R.; Chandrakumar, C.; Nandana, R.; Holden, C.; Punchihewa, A.; Becker, J.S.; Jeong, S.; Liyanage, N.; Ravishan, D.; Sampath, R.; Tan, M.L. “Saving Precious Seconds”—A Novel Approach to Implementing a Low-Cost Earthquake Early Warning System with Node-Level Detection and Alert Generation. Informatics 2022, 9, 25.
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